For some reason this morning I was thinking about success, or lack of it in the case of most people. I am only talking in terms of doing things on a day to day basis and getting paid for it. Before everyone starts ranting about "success" being a subjective term, my definition for this purpose is: individuals who are doing the things that they are obviously destined to do (i.e. they have a talent for it, and they LOVE what they do).
Anyway, I was thinking about how most of the people I know that have gone to uni, (or even those that have finished school) are unhappy where they are in life. Most of them aren't really challenging themselves and to quote any school report card "Has great potential but is underachieving". On the other hand it seems that individuals that have left school and had to fight to get where they are try so much harder. Being the underdog seems to make you aim higher and take greater risks.
So if you have greater potential academically, and do not use it that worse than someone who has less potential but has max'd it out? Is it possible that higher education makes people complacent and more likely to underachieve?