Guinea Pigs Galore!
So the other day a dilemma was presented to me about vaccinations...Australia is offering free Cervical Cancer vaccinations to women between the ages of 16-26. Now I know that I am too old to receive the vaccine, but it posed the question about whether I would even consider it at all.
An article I read stated that "International trials started 2 years ago, with 12000 women participating and none have shown any side effects" does this ring alarm bells for anyone else? In the 2 years nothing has shown up...what makes them think that in another 5 years nothing would happen to these girls. Yeah maybe they won't get Cervical cancer, but what is the guarantee they won't have some huge growth on their forehead or something.
So my big thing is...I don't think (unless I was desperate and dying) that I would even consider a 'trialed' vaccine until it has successfully proven no damage for at least 2 generations.
I've also been recently pushed (of late) to try Speed Dating. Now I know of only one person that has tried this before, and well...I'm rather cynical about the whole thing.
Firstly, I have this theory that in 5 minutes you probably couldn't assess very much about a person except their looks. This leads to only 'hot' people hooking up with other 'hot' people at the event.
Secondly, I can imagine that most people will come prepared with 'my top five things about myself to talk about'. This leads to a false sense of what a person is REALLY like. Case in point - look what happens in job interviews when stupid people get hired for jobs just because they can sell themselves.
So new project is to experiment and attend one of these events just to see if my cynicism is valid. Anyone want to join me for a laugh? (And before you ask...this is NOT an excuse to attend a speed dating night!)
An article I read stated that "International trials started 2 years ago, with 12000 women participating and none have shown any side effects" does this ring alarm bells for anyone else? In the 2 years nothing has shown up...what makes them think that in another 5 years nothing would happen to these girls. Yeah maybe they won't get Cervical cancer, but what is the guarantee they won't have some huge growth on their forehead or something.
So my big thing is...I don't think (unless I was desperate and dying) that I would even consider a 'trialed' vaccine until it has successfully proven no damage for at least 2 generations.
I've also been recently pushed (of late) to try Speed Dating. Now I know of only one person that has tried this before, and well...I'm rather cynical about the whole thing.
Firstly, I have this theory that in 5 minutes you probably couldn't assess very much about a person except their looks. This leads to only 'hot' people hooking up with other 'hot' people at the event.
Secondly, I can imagine that most people will come prepared with 'my top five things about myself to talk about'. This leads to a false sense of what a person is REALLY like. Case in point - look what happens in job interviews when stupid people get hired for jobs just because they can sell themselves.
So new project is to experiment and attend one of these events just to see if my cynicism is valid. Anyone want to join me for a laugh? (And before you ask...this is NOT an excuse to attend a speed dating night!)