She looks like a model 'cept she got a little more ass!
Okay, so i know the title of this post is a tad inappropriate...but I have been listenin to Justin T. I don't usually like him, but his latest Cd is least the lyrics have a comedic quality.
I've spent a lot of this week at home with my dad. It's nice eating simple meals at home and not getting nagged by my mother. Another 2 weeks and counting before my mum returns, (my dad is counting down the hours!). C. returned to Japan...I didn't even get to call him to say goodbye. By the time I called him, I ended up having a conversation with his dad instead.
Work has been relatively the same...a little more stressful, ramping up for some workshops starting next week that i'm not really looking forward to . It's quite stressful thinking about how to put a spin on something so terrible...i'm pretty sure there is no one out there with "sucker" plastered on their foreheads.
Caught up briefly with L. and J. earlier in the week to discuss their recent trip to Vietnam. It was very interesting to listen to their perspective on things...I think I have a lot of work still cut out for me. I'm really getting over my day job at the moment, and have decided to book tix o/s quite soon so I don't suddenly change my mind! I have a tendency to be greedy and a bit of a sucker with contracting.
So the question of the day:
When is it okay for you to be friends with another friends' ex-boyfriend?
So let me paint the scene...whilst walking through the tunnel towards the station I bumped into a friends' ex-bfriend who i haven't seen for 6 years or so. My friend broke up with him about 4 years ago, and since then they haven't really seen/spoken to eachother. So anyway we had a brief conversation about what we've been up to...yada yada..anyway, we ended the conversation with "nice to see you again". Then he gave me his business card and told me to email him to catch up. So I call my friend and she is all "you aren't going to email him are you?".
So what am I supposed to do? I don't intend to pursue anything...but it would just be nice to catch up and just chat - purely innocently! Gosh. I always thought these sorts of things only ever happened in trashy teenage high school shows!
I've spent a lot of this week at home with my dad. It's nice eating simple meals at home and not getting nagged by my mother. Another 2 weeks and counting before my mum returns, (my dad is counting down the hours!). C. returned to Japan...I didn't even get to call him to say goodbye. By the time I called him, I ended up having a conversation with his dad instead.
Work has been relatively the same...a little more stressful, ramping up for some workshops starting next week that i'm not really looking forward to . It's quite stressful thinking about how to put a spin on something so terrible...i'm pretty sure there is no one out there with "sucker" plastered on their foreheads.
Caught up briefly with L. and J. earlier in the week to discuss their recent trip to Vietnam. It was very interesting to listen to their perspective on things...I think I have a lot of work still cut out for me. I'm really getting over my day job at the moment, and have decided to book tix o/s quite soon so I don't suddenly change my mind! I have a tendency to be greedy and a bit of a sucker with contracting.
So the question of the day:
When is it okay for you to be friends with another friends' ex-boyfriend?
So let me paint the scene...whilst walking through the tunnel towards the station I bumped into a friends' ex-bfriend who i haven't seen for 6 years or so. My friend broke up with him about 4 years ago, and since then they haven't really seen/spoken to eachother. So anyway we had a brief conversation about what we've been up to...yada yada..anyway, we ended the conversation with "nice to see you again". Then he gave me his business card and told me to email him to catch up. So I call my friend and she is all "you aren't going to email him are you?".
So what am I supposed to do? I don't intend to pursue anything...but it would just be nice to catch up and just chat - purely innocently! Gosh. I always thought these sorts of things only ever happened in trashy teenage high school shows!