The K Word

A regular rant about my life expectations and other such catastrophes

Monday, November 24, 2008

MS Office functions for life

Have you ever wondered if you could utilise the Microsoft Word functions in your life what that would mean? Sometimes I think about the 'find' and 'replace' function - there are probably a few events in my life that I would like to replace with a blank. Some memories - some emotions - even some people (that 2 week boyfriend, that friend that never was)...find "anger" and replace with "laughs". How different would things be. Find "car trouble" replace with "public transport".

Then there's "cut" and "paste" function. Now sometimes I wish I thought more about what I have done in my life and if I could sequence things differently maybe I would be somewhere else. Maybe if I hadn't done my IT degree, then now I would be re-thinking it and be doing something else. Cut "Uni course", paste "extended holiday".

Then again, I have no regrets in life. It's just interesting to think that your life is made up of events and coincidences that cause a ripple effect...culminating in making you become who you are. I love who I have become and the people I have met on this journey...I hope there are more experiences and people that I will meet or reconnect with who will further shape who I am.

Cheers Everyone!


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