The K Word

A regular rant about my life expectations and other such catastrophes

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Unsavourable Firsts!

You know that overwhelming feeling of embarrassment when you do something totally stupid in front of people you know. I hate that feeling! I'm sorry D. !!!

Friday night drinks were very pleasant and there was a larger show than normal. I have to admit it was the highlight of my week, which kind of leads to the disappointment of my working weeks now. I think a lot of it is to do with motivation...I guess I don't have any!

On Thursday night I caught up with K. and S. at Bungalow 8. It was nice to see them's been awhile. It did highlight how 'awesome' I think S. is because he is a pilot! This was brought up in conversation later on with some people, (as inspired by B.'s scoring system) what eventuated was my scale for scoring guys.


+2 points: Can fly a plane
+1 point: Has access to a plane to fly me places on a whim!
+2 points: Knows who 'Ben Kweller', 'Reel Big Fish' and 'Sister Hazel' are
+1 point: Can cook me a nice meal
+2 points: Has a clever, witty sense of humour
+2 points: Has saved a life (human)
+3 points: Intends to save mine (if need be!)
+1 point: Enjoys 80's Retro music
+1 point: Enjoys Karaoke!
+3 points: Enjoys Travelling Overseas
+1 point: Can speak 2 or more languages
+1 point: Can play a musical instrument (new)
+1 point: Has an irish accent (new)
+1 point: Can Snowboard/Skate (new)
+2 points: Would walk me home at 3am (new)
+1 point: Is a handyman (with tools i mean!) (new)
+1 point: Cries in "Beaches" (new)


-3 points: Rather 'financially aware', and counts their pennies
-2 points: Cannot drive
-2 points: Doesn't value their family
-2 points: Arrogant and likes to listen to their own voice ALL the time
-1 point: Hates meeting new people
-5 points: Is bi-sexual (new)
-1 point: Been married before (new)
-1 point: Can't swim (new)
-2 points: Brain thinks faster than they can talk - causing them to be a fast talker (new)

This is the draft list...I'll be working on some more things that are important to me. I think I would consider anyone with at least 10+ points. Maybe this superficial list is the reason I'm still single!?

Another embarrassing point of late is that I have been subconsciously mentioning that If I am not married by 50 I would consider lesbian-ism. Is this really that odd a thing to say in casual conversation?


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