Moral Bankruptcy?
It seems like there is always a point in someone's life where they are faced with a moral dilemma. At what point are you just as guilty as the culprit?
So in terms of a robbery or a murder, people can be charged with 'accessory to larceny' or 'accessory to murder' [maybe i have been watching too many episodes of Law and Order], but these are tangible acts that have impacted people. But when your moral standing on an issue is in direct conflict with someone elses and you don't do anything about it (implicitly condoning it), does this mean you are aiding and abetting the guilty parties?
Running through a scenario...suppose you know somebody who is cheating on their spouse, are you guilty if you assist in helping them meet up and hide every time they rendez-vous?
I'm a believer that you are just as guilty as the people having the affair. I mean, if you provided a murderer with a gun you are practically a murderer! How is this any different? add some complexity, should your decision to protect someone or not change if they have a terminal illness?
So in terms of a robbery or a murder, people can be charged with 'accessory to larceny' or 'accessory to murder' [maybe i have been watching too many episodes of Law and Order], but these are tangible acts that have impacted people. But when your moral standing on an issue is in direct conflict with someone elses and you don't do anything about it (implicitly condoning it), does this mean you are aiding and abetting the guilty parties?
Running through a scenario...suppose you know somebody who is cheating on their spouse, are you guilty if you assist in helping them meet up and hide every time they rendez-vous?
I'm a believer that you are just as guilty as the people having the affair. I mean, if you provided a murderer with a gun you are practically a murderer! How is this any different? add some complexity, should your decision to protect someone or not change if they have a terminal illness?
Labels: morals
At 9:18 pm,
Anonymous said…
I am still somewhat tormented by a choice i made to 'mind my own business' one night on a bus. I was heading home after a drinking session and notice a very young white girl (12-14) whom like myself was inebrated. She was being overshaddowed by this black youth (17-19) who look menicing because of his gang related attire and possible due to subconcious racial steriotypes being applied... any how She looked like she was a run away (in my mind this is what i theorised) and he told her when to get to the bus and I couldnt help thinking she was about to be taken advantage of and possibly (i extrapolated) end up some sore of herion hooker type person once he was through with her... i really wanted to say something to her like if you want to come to ours for the night youll be safe.. but could not bring my self to interceed.. what if i had read the situation totally wrong.. but then what if i didnt..
At 9:24 pm,
K said…
That is a pretty scary story. I have been in that situation before, but to be never know what could happen (even to yourself). It's nice to know you have compassion and empathise with others though...nice to remember you are a considerate person - more so than some!!
At 2:18 am,
Anonymous said…
considerate or not ultimatly I was a drunk coward or busybody... nothing to be proud of.. :p
At 3:22 am,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for writing this.
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